All About Asparagus
Asparagus, or Sparrow Grass, is a nutritional wonder with lots of fiber, zero cholesterol, and low calories and fat. Among the greens, it is highest in vitamins K and B9. Vitamin K is known to aid blood clotting and keeps bone healthy, while vitamin B9 or folate makes the DNA. In short, asparagus nutrients are essential for the human body. The slender green is also a great source of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A.
It also contains small amounts of miscellaneous micronutrients, which include zinc, iron, and riboflavin.
Nutritional Value of Asparagus
A serving of ½ cup asparagus offers,
• 13 calories
• 0.1g fat
• 2.6g carbs
• 1.5g protein
• 1.8g fiber
• 135mg potassium
• 3.8mg vitamin C
• 27.9mcg vitamin K
• 35mcg B9 or folate
• 507 international unit vitamin A
To give an estimate, the protein and fiber provided by one serving of asparagus amount for 3% and 8% of the RDI respectively. While the folate and vitamin K amount for 34% and 57% of the RDI.
Benefits of Asparagus
Being rich in nutrients, the slender green veggie proves to be advantageous in many ways. Stated below are the most important asparagus health benefits.
Relieves Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress can cause early aging, chronic inflammation, and several other diseases including cancer. Asparagus, being high in antioxidants, protects your body cells against harmful effects of oxidative stress as well as radicals to promote good health.
Improves Digestion
The fiber in asparagus fulfills 8% of your daily needs. Most of it is insoluble fiber that adds bulk to stool and promotes regular bowel movements. The soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance inside the digestive tract.
Boosts Immunity
Perhaps, the most well-rounded benefit of eating asparagus is that it supports improved immunity. The soluble fiber offered by it feeds the good, friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus in the gut, increasing their number. The bacteria strengthen immunity and support the production of essential nutrients like vitamin B12 and vitamin K2.
Potentially Helps with Weight Loss
Though not tested, it is most probable that the rich nutritional value of asparagus benefits weight loss. To those wishing to get slimmer, Mayo Clinic experts recommend low-calorie food that allows you to consume large portions without taking in excessive calories. Asparagus meets that criteria.
How to Store Asparagus?
The best way to store asparagus is by keeping the rubber-held bunch upright in a jar/glass filled with two inches of water poured in it. Make sure to trim an inch off the ends of each shoot before placing the bunch in the container. Then use a plastic bag to loosely cover the asparagus and place it inside the fridge for up to a week. In case the water looks cloudy, change it.
Asparagus Recipes
There are tons of delicious ways you can cook healthy asparagus. You can use it to create a triple-pea salad or swap pasta with greens in a carbonara dish. You can also cook classic dishes like pasta and grilled subs but with its healthy addition. To put it simply, there’s no limit to how creative you can get with asparagus in the kitchen.